BUNN BT - Review

Speed Brew 

10-Cup Home Coffee Brewer

Have you ever experienced the frustration of waking up in the morning, eager for a freshly brewed pot of coffee, only to find that your coffee maker has decided to call it quits? It's a common scenario, one that my husband and I had grown tired of facing. In fact, we had a backup coffee maker stashed away in our closet, just in case this all-too-familiar situation reared its head again. But instead of resigning ourselves to this inconvenience, we decided to invest a little more and see what awaited us.

And here's the exciting part - this is what unfolded! Feast your eyes on the exquisite coffee pot we acquired! What's even more remarkable is that it whips up a full pot of coffee in a mere 3 minutes. Yes, you read that correctly – I timed it! BUNN reports it takes 4 minutes, but in my experience, it's less. 

But there's another element to our story. You see, we contend with hard water issues in our household, given that we source our water from a well. Unfortunately, hard water can wreak havoc on the inner workings of a coffee pot. However, fear not, for I've stumbled upon a clever solution. To combat hard water damage, all you need to do is run a gallon of vinegar through the coffee pot, followed by several cycles of plain water, until the water emerging no longer carries a hint of vinegar taste. It's like a magic cure! I should note that I'm unsure if BUNN officially recommends this method, but I thought it was worth sharing. I personally perform this maintenance ritual once a month to keep our coffee pot in tip-top shape.

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